Broncho Orchestra, September 6th, 2022: Spring Trip, Volunteering, & Other Things

Spring Trip

FIrst, important reminder: If you/your child is planning on attending the spring trip to Colorado Springs, the deadline for sign up is TODAY at 5:00 PM! If you haven’t already signed up and you plan on doing so, you need to take care of that ASAP! Link is below:

Spring Trip


Parents: If you’d be willing to chaperone or volunteer with the students in any way, please fill out the districts Volunteer form on Voly! This is required before you can chaperone trips. My understanding is that once you’re approved through Voly, it’s good for two years. If you think you may want to chaperone at any point in the next two years, go ahead and get it filled out now so it doesn’t become a ‘last minute hassle’ later. Link is below:


First Test Grade

Students: Your first playing test grade will be a G Major scale, the one we’ve been working on in class, recording and submitted through Schoology, due Friday, September 16th. The assignment for submission is not in Schoology yet, but I should have it up by the end of the week. If you don’t have access to internet at home, you’re more than welcome to come up before or after school and use the school’s wifi to upload your recording. Let me know if you have any questions.


Reminder for those students auditioning for All-Region, the deadline for me to do entries is this week. If you do not play at least some of your etudes for me so that I know you’re practicing, I will not sign you up. All-Region aspirants, if you’re planning on auditioning, please practice regularly and get with me when you can!

Otherwise this is another pretty normal week for y’all. Hope everyone enjoyed their long weekend! (And maybe practiced a little…) Our first concert is coming up fast!

Mr. Benton



Broncho Orchestra September 9, 2022


Spring Trip 2023