Broncho Orchestra September 9, 2022

Hey all!

This coming week is another pretty normal week, but our first concert is quickly approaching! Some notes on the concert:


For our performers, costumes are encouraged! Just know they need to be PG rated, as we want our concert to be family friendly.

We also want to encourage little ones, our elementary age students, to wear costumes! Any elementary age student who comes in costume will receive candy as they leave! Which brings me to…


Parents, if you’re willing to donate a bag of candy for this effort, we would greatly appreciate it! Just send a bag up with your student to school and we’ll have it ready to go on the concert night!


Also, parents, if you think you would be willing to help chaperone for us at any point in the next two years, please fill out the district volunteer form through Voly, linked below! It’s required before parents travel with the organization, and we would love to have you if you’re willing and able!

Voly | Where your passions and volunteer opportunities click.

First Test Grade

Reminder: Your first test grade is due no later than Friday the 16th at 8:30AM. It’s your G Major Scale recorded and uploaded through Schoology. If you don’t take care of this assignment, it will GREATLY affect your average for the first six weeks! We’ve been working on the scale since we started playing the first week of school, so please make the recording and get it done!

Orchestra Council

Your orchestra council will be meeting for the first time this coming week. Students, one of the ways you can have a voice in what happens in the program is through your orchestra council members. Talk to them about any questions, concerns, or suggestions you have.


Be sure to check our calendar here on the website. I try to make sure it’s updated at least once a week with upcoming events, meetings, sectionals, etc. Link below if you’re viewing on Facebook.

CALENDAR — OHS Broncho Orchestra

Mr. Benton



Broncho Orchestra September 16, 2022


Broncho Orchestra, September 6th, 2022: Spring Trip, Volunteering, & Other Things