Broncho Orchestra Booster Club

Individual & Corporate Sponsorships


The Odessa High School Orchestra Booster Club exists to support the Broncho Orchestras and its directors and students in all of their musical endeavors. For this coming year, the booster club is looking to raise $8,000.00 to help defray the costs of private lessons for every student in the program who wants private lessons.

I’d like to ask, on behalf of the boosters, for you to consider a donation in any amount towards that fundraising goal.

Below are a list of sponsorship rates and (optional) perks donors will receive for the 2024 – 2025 concert season with a sponsorship:

Broncho Corral - $200+

  • Certificate of Membership

  • Listing on the back of all programs

  • Announcement at all concerts

  • Advertisement on the website

  • Full page Advertisement in all printed programs

  • Free orchestra T-Shirt or one instance of any other merchandise sold

Director’s Circle - $100+

  • Certificate of Membership

  • Listing on the back of all programs

  • Announcement at all concerts

  • Advertisement on the website

Supporter of the Orchestra - $50+

  • Certificate of Membership

  • Listing on the back of all programs

Friend of the Orchestra - $25+

  • Listing on the back of all programs

If interested, please contact:

John Benton

Director of Orchestras
