Spring Trip 2023

Hey Orchestra!

A number of you have asked about a spring trip. In the interest of keeping costs down, I asked around about tagging along with another group. We've decided to tag along with the band who has graciously allowed us to travel with them on their Colorado Springs trip. Please see the link below for more information and registration if you're interested in attending. Please note that the registration deadline is September 7th at 5:00PM, so a decision will need to be reached somewhat quickly.


Remember, the costs are up to you. We *may* have some fundraising opportunities to help offset the costs, but those are still up in the air at the moment. More information will be sent out when I know more for certain.

Again, I'll try to answer questions as best I can, though please be patient as I do have to collaborate with Ms. Campos since we're tagging along.

Mr. Benton




Broncho Orchestra, September 6th, 2022: Spring Trip, Volunteering, & Other Things


Broncho Orchestra August 28, 2022