Broncho Orchestra September 5, 2023

Hey all! I know this week is crazy with the long weekend and all of the testing, but I wanted to give you a few important reminders since I won’t see most of you until Friday:

  • You have 3 assignments due over the weekend, two playing grades, and one chair test. All of the assignments are materials we’ve been going over in class. Please take care of those before next week!

  • All-Region hopefuls - you need to sign up and play for me. The sign up sheet for a time slot is on my office door. Auditions are now less than a month away, so daily practice is a must!

  • If you haven’t already, please turn in your handbook acknowledgement forms and sign up for cut time.

  • Please pay the assessment fee ($25) when you get the chance. You can pay with a credit card via cut time, or you can leave physical payment in the drop box. If you leave it in the drop box, please put the payment in an envelope with your name, the amount contained in the envelope, and what it’s for.

  • Orchestra Officers - We need to meet next week. Have a representative let me know what time works for you.

  • Trip people - Make sure you’re keeping up with your payments!

As always, if you have any questions, please reach out.

Mr. Benton


Congrats to our All-Region Musicians!


NY Trip Registration Reminder!