Broncho Orchestra September 23, 2022

Hey all! Next week is fairly straightforward as well, but we do have a General Booster Meeting open to all parents starting at 7:00 PM. All are welcome to join us, and we’d love to have you! Many hands make light work!

Items of note:

Bigs and Littles

For the Seniors and Juniors willing to be ‘bigs,’ we’ll be divvying up Littles Monday after school. Any willing Bigs are welcome to join us!

Littles - fill out your little survey in Schoology! Remember, if you don’t tell us your preferences, we’re getting Big Red and Circus peanuts for snacks.

Big and Little Party

We’re having our first social of the year at Gattis on Friday, September 30th at 6:30 PM. Cost is $9.00. You can bring Mr. Benton the money early, or you can bring it at the door, but please bring it! Mr. Benton isn’t made out of money…


Chair Test #1

The first test grade of this six weeks is due on Friday, September 30th by 11:59 PM. Please check in schoology for the cuts. (Schoology is also where you turn in your recording.)

Concert Notes

Dress rehearsal will be the evening of October 4th, time TBA.

The Concert will be the evening of October 6th at 7:00 PM in the PAC.

Please keep bringing candy! Remember, any elementary age kids who dress up will get candy on the way out!


As always, if you have any questions, please reach out to me.

Mr. Benton



Feature Friday - Cyris!


Big and Little Party!