Broncho Orchestra January 13, 2023

Hey Orchestra!

Overall, I’m pleased with the progress we’re making. Remember, contest is coming up VERY quickly! Attendance at all sectionals and rehearsals is critical! Please check your schedule regularly to make sure you’re at every called rehearsal!

A few important reminders:

Assignments in Schoology

This six weeks playing assignments should be in schoology before next week. Don’t forget to complete them!

Contest Season!

Please remember that rehearsals and sectionals are mandatory and part of your grade! This calendar was distributed last fall so everyone had a chance to make accommodations.

Solo & Ensemble

If you’re signed up for Solo & Ensemble, you should have been practicing over the break! Our accompanist will be meeting with us on January 19th and 26th. I’ll have the cost soon. Please be practicing!

Spring Trip

If you’re attending the spring trip, please make sure you’re staying caught up on payments via your Green Light login. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Weekly Schedule


  • MLK Day - No School

  • Because of the holiday, no Bass sectional


  • 1st Violins - 7:30 to 8:30

  • All Strings - 4:30 to 6:00


  • Violas - 4:30 to 5:30


  • 2nd Violins - 7:30 to 8:30

  • Winds - 4:15 to 6:00


  • Mr. Benton out for All-Region - No Cello Sectional


Please keep practicing regularly! Regardless of how contest goes on March 7th, I want to be able to say I did everything I could over the next two months to prepare you for an excellent performance that day. I hope you want to be able to say the same for yourself.

Have a wonderful three day weekend!

Mr. Benton


Broncho Orchestra January 23, 2023


Broncho Orchestra January 3, 2023